Monday, October 03, 2016

Bog Road

I had seen Bog Road when doing pre-trip reconnaissance on Google Earth many months ago. Otherwise it could have easily escaped my attention, but the notion of a small road wandering off across miles of pretty much nothing caught my interest. I seem to have a strange attraction to these kinds of places.

The road winds through a gently rolling landscape of small lakes, rocky outcrops, and blanket bog. The latter looks pretty much like what most of us think of as tundra, at least from a distance, which sort of makes sense because in some ways that's what it is. The views north towards the hills of Connemara were great.

The flowering vegetation offered color, particularly when the sun broke through. As best as I can tell: gorse is yellow, heath is purple, Montbresia (crocosmia) is orange. The first two are native; the last one has not. Ironically, fuschia (Chile) and crocosmia (South Africa) were some of the most abundant and colorful flowers we saw on the trip, particularly in the roadside hedges.

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