Sunday, August 05, 2018

Tjørn Island

Continuing down the coast on our hastily improvised effort to avoid the Interstate (not that they call it that here), we stopped at a grocery store in Henån for lunch makings, then drove south across Orust and Tjörn Islands.

Skulptor i Pilane was another place I discovered completely by accident the night before. I didn't tell M much before we got close, although at some point I was sufficiently lost that I needed help. She noticed the great white head first - it was hard not to. Jaume Plenta has a piece at Seattle's Olympic Sculpture Park, too, but this one is much bigger. And the context is a bit different.

We ate our picnic lunch in the car, then headed off across a rocky landscape dotted with some pretty amazing sculptures. The setting is what makes this place really stand apart from many other sculpture parks - there are few, if any buildings in sight, the ocean can be seen many miles away, and the trails are laid out to make the discovery of each new sculpture a surprise.

There were older works on this landscape, too. Off to one side, and carefully identified, there were stone circles and standing stones dating back more than a thousand years. Which just enriches the context for a modern day sculpture park.

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