Monday, August 27, 2018

St. Mary Lake

I've used this title for many posts, probably almost every year, since the lake is such a fundamental part of our stay on Saltspring. We don't play in the water as much as we did when D was younger, but I sit at the beach with my coffee early in the morning while it's still quiet. And M joins the others to play games and chat in the afternoon. The lake is always within site of the cabins and we can always hear people in the water or on the beach in the background.

It's nice that the view across the lake is of protected forest on the steep eastern slope of Channel Ridge and that because the lake is also Ganges' water supply, there are strict rules about motiorized watercraft. The only exception is small electric trolling motors and the launch that accompanies the rowing shells when they're practicing. We occasionally hear cars or equipment across the lake, or a seaplane heading into Ganges, but for the most part, the noise is mainly the kids playing on the rafts.

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