Sunday, September 18, 2016

Air Canada 1940

Our Ireland trip started with a drive to Vancouver, where we parked in our friends' driveway in Ladner and took a cab to the airport. We were flying Air Canada Rouge,  AC's "leisure airline." Apparently, leisure means "cheap." Despite some initial concerns after reading the reviews, I was able to fit into the seat without having to remove my kneecaps first. I think they fed us, though it must not have been anything memorable.

The flight left at 3PM and arrived in Dublin a little less than 9 hours later, at 8:30AM, just as we were finally getting ready to go to sleep.

Cloud cover and nighttime made it difficult to make out what we were flying over - although I did make out the dusky western shore of Hudson Bay and the mouth of the Nelson River. And maybe southern Greenland a few hours later, but by then it was awfully dark. The bottom photo was taken somewhere over Saskatchewan.

I write this back in Seattle more than three weeks later. With any luck, our trip will play out here in 20-30 posts over the next couple of weeks. As usual, the somewhat parallel beach collection will show up on Gravel Beach.

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