I'm not sure if I headed for Golden Gardens Friday afternoon more because I desperately needed exercise after a day spent split between the car, meetings in Olympia, and my desk, or simply because I just wanted to watch the sun set over the Sound. Either excuse seemed pretty good.

I walked the beach, trying to make sense of all of the drainage patterns and the swash bars and the gravel bands and the confusing relationship between the beavers and the wetlands at the north end. Then I jogged my way up the steps to the top of the bluff (my FitBit said 30 floors, which is probably about right) before wandering back down to the car and heading home.

One of the attractions of Golden Gardens is the trains. And in honor of all the press recently about the expanded role of trains as virtual pipelines for North Dakota crude oil, I took a picture of a some shiny new tank cars rolling past.