Back to Vancouver, though this time without the family. The Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference gets up here once every four years - we're at the Westin Bayshore on Coal Harbour. Despite threats that the weather will deterioriate, it hasn't, yet. Between technical sessions and preparing Wednesday's talk, it's been busy, but by foregoing some of the social functions, I've managed some nice runs in Stanley Park and a chance to explore some of the damage from December's storm. Pretty impressive. Many trees down and much damage to the seawall promenade, particularly along the stretch between Third Beach and the Bridge.
As usual, I'm impressed with the level of development along this shoreline. And the public accessibility. It's fun to watch the walkers, joggers, dog trainers, bicyclists, tourists, rowers, leaf blowers, limo drivers, condo owners, and seagulls. Not to mention constant seaplanes.