Saturday, August 24, 2013

Active Pass

Our last day is Saturday.  We finish packing, take group pictures and say goodbyes, then head into town to find parking.  And then spend a few hours wandering around the Saturday Market before heading to Long Harbor and the line for the ferry.

The ferry stops in Village Bay on Mayne Island on its way to Tsawwassen. Every year I end up with a few more photos of oversized marine hardware in the late afternoon sun, along with shots of passing ferries in Active Pass.

From Tsawwassen, it's south to the border (no wait at all this year!), a quick coffee or bathroom stop in Bellingham, and home a little after 9. We arrived home to D and a friend watching the Seahawks.

Mount Maxwell

Mount Maxwell - I'm not sure what distinguishes it from Mount Baynes - is probably the best view on Salt Spring.  The high rocky cliffs of Nanaimo conglomerate stand way up above the Fulford Valley and Burgoyne Bay.  The views south included the San Juan Islands in the haze.  The view to the northwest is Vancouver Island.

The weather had started gray, but cleared up as the day went on.  I considered hiking, but it was easier to drive! Maybe next year I'll hike into the Garry Oak groves on the lower slopes.

Third Sister Island

It's a fairly easy paddle from Ganges out through the Chain Islands.  By staying northeast of the islands, we were able to avoid the wakes from the parade of pleasure boats and the low-flying seaplanes. Chocolate Beach on Third Sister Island is a popular destination and there was a large guided tour finishing lunch on the shore as we approached.  We went into a holding pattern, circling the island a couple of others, and by the time we got back they were all paddling away.

It's a great place to stretch legs.  I suppose the kayak outfitters are the ones responsible for the nice potty.

Green Acres

Despite some proposals a few years ago to upscale the place, things have remained much the same.  Which is just fine with us.

This year we were back in the log cabin. We alternate years with C&A, but this has always been our favorite. The little spiders like it, too, but we gladly put with them for the privacy and the afternoon shade. And the open kitchen.

Salt Spring Island

This is the 16th year we've come up to Salt Spring Island, but the first one we've come up without D.  He was 5 the first time - this time he's almost 20 and staying home to paint houses.

We still managed to enjoy ourselves - mainly by doing too little and by eating too much.  I guess those are two pretty good reasons for coming up here, aren't they?

Here's the link to all the previous Salt Spring posts (hshipman: salt spring).  Of course there's a lot of shoreline stuff over on Gravel Beach, too.